Thursday, January 28, 2010

Oprah Mouse

I hate to admit this, but we have a mouse. Which SUCKS because our building was recently rennovated and is supposed to be like really nice. So we shouldn't have mice :(

But we do.

We had a big fight about what to call it because we didn't want guests to freak out that a mice was going to like crawl over their feet or something. One of my roommates still insists on calling it Bernie (Madoff) but I refuse, it's Oprah. So yeah, if you are ever over (lol) then if I shout Oprah, its because the mouse is out.

The problem with Oprah is that I'm afraid of it. Which is ridiculous because it's like three inches long and couldn't do shit to me. But nevertheless I FREAK whenever I have an Oprah sighting. Like last night, when BITCH TRIED TO CRAWL UNDER MY DOOR. I definitely barricaded myself in my room after that, stuffing a towel in the crack and everything. I'm going to like die because of this thing.

So yeah, MAC mouse guy, when you come AGAIN this weekend, please find Oprah and take care of it. Because I'm going to like suffocate or something.

K thanks. Nora.

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