Saturday, January 2, 2010

Chicago, All Things Go, All Things Go

I'm back in Chicago. Already. Every break just seems shorter and shorter... but oh well. The faster things go, the faster I'm done with school! Actually, I don't know if I want to wish the real world on myself like that just yet. We'll see how the new classes are.

My trip back was pretty uneventful. A few kids from UC were on my bus, as well as some kids from Columbia College (downtown art school). I talked to the Columbia College kids for awhile, never got their names, but whatever. They were first years and quite entertaining, quite naive about the world. I told them a bunch of bullshit about how smart I am (lol UofC!) and how I travel the world. They were particularly interested in London because they want to find cool thrift stores. I tried not to laugh at them, at least it made time go by sort of fast.

Upon arriving at my apartment I proceeded to put my itunes on and crank it as loud as possible on my computer speakers. My music tastes may not be very much appreciated by my roommates or neighbors so I'm taking advantage of an empty apartment right about now. I hit Hyde Park Produce to buy a few groceries (milk for coffee mostly) and then got home and realized I forgot about three things I needed. Such is life.

I've been unpacking for the last several hours now, and cleaning, and mostly dicking around on the internet. Most of my clothes are away now, and the 50 tortillas that may have been in my suitcase are now crammed into our over-full freezer.

Now I'm going to sit back and enjoy a little Prince and some Jackson 5.

xoxox Nora

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