Friday, January 1, 2010

On New Year's Eve I Did A Crazy Thing...

...I bought tickets to see JLS live in concert at the 02 Arena, in LONDON NEXT DECEMBER.

So basically I paid like $100 for two tickets to a concert in another country that is almost a year away. Which ok, is cool, but I have no idea what I'm going to be doing in December. Will I even have a job/be able to afford a trip to London? If I do have a job will I be able to take time off to fly to London for a pop concert? Will I even like JLS a year from now (ok, that is probably a yes)? So yeah, looking back on the purchase I'm thinking I've lost my mind a bit (ok a lot).

BUT, here is my justification. If 2010 is supposed to be a new and exciting year, WHY NOT buy these tickets? Who knows where I'll be? I'd rather have the tickets and be in the position where I have to resell them than be wanting to buy them but can't find any.

And, having these tickets means that I have a reason to have an adventure next winter. It sort of motivates me to be in a position where I can go to the show (because to be honest, I really really want to go). So who gives a shit that I bought tickets to a concert in another country that isn't for like a year?

After making this purchase I've resolved that 2010 is going to be the year for adventures...

xoxoxo Nora


  1. Oh, Nora. You cease to amaze me. This is quite honestly the most hilarious impulse buy yet :.$

  2. It will be great to watch Jls, i have bought tickets from looking forward to it.
