Monday, June 21, 2010

World Cup Pt. 1

So its that time again... The World Cup is on the TV and I have done pretty much NOTHING but watch it since I got to my parents house a week ago.

I get judged for only caring about soccer during the World Cup (WHICH ISN'T TRUE) and all that, but really its just great to finally have the chance to watch some live soccer in the United States. Last time I got to do this was during the Euro Cup in 2008.

I don't have die hard alleigences towards the United States, although I am cheering for them to do well. I just know that realistically they won't make it much further than the Quarterfinals, so I've aligned myself with a few other teams for maximum enjoyment.

Since World Cup 2006 I've been a bit of a Portugal fan, nothing to crazy. Part of it is superficial because of Ronaldo (only part though) and part of it is out of respect for the quality of their play. They've got a few things going for them as a team, and hopefully they can string some stuff together and go deep.

I would be a France fan, seeing as I lived there for six months and all that, but that team has dissolved into a massive embarrassment so I'm just going to avoid aligning myself there. I will wear my France t-shirt on game days though, just out of respect for the beautiful nation.

My biggest allegience is to Spain. I don't know how this originated because the first time I went to Spain was in the winter of 2008 and I'd already supported them through the 2006 World Cup and 2008 Euro Cup... Anyways, I'm a huge Spain supporter, and I really hope they can do well in this tournament (I legit cried wen they lost to Switzerland in their first game). The Villa/Torres combo up front is awesome, and they've got a sick goalie too.

Anyways, between now and July 5th (when the fancy job starts) I'm pretty much just going to lay around on the couch and watch soccer... and maybe a little TOUR DE FRANCE when its starts on July 3rd (to be explained in a later post).

xoxoox Nora


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