Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Diana Vickers - Once


She's AHHHHMAZIN. And another product of the 5th Season of the X Factor.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

N-Dubz - Say It's Over

This one is pretty new and I love ittt!!!

N-Dubz needs to be released stateside... most def.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Quick Update

So I'm sitting in Crerar right now attempting to right my Constitutional Law final, which if you know me means I'm actually either looking out the window or playing on youtube, but still. I thought I would post a quick update because the last six things I've posted up in herrr have all been youtube videos :-/

Anyways, its the Saturday before finals week OFFICIALLY begins. Which means we're all basically in hell right now. I finished classes on Wednesday, which was nice, and I've been "doing work" for the last few days. Whatever that means.

The first big news I should share is that I passed Econ! It was a bit touch and go there for awhile, but I think I got pity points on my last midterm which tipped me to the P side. For serious, going into the last midterm I had 45/88 points in the class, one point more than passing. Somehow I managed to end it with 71/122, which was a flippin miracle. I don't have to take the final because he drops the worst score and I'm already at the grade I want (a P!). And I'm like going abroad soon anyways.

The thesis is going OK. I totally reformatted it so I've basically started over, which is fine, but now I've really got to hunker down and write the thing. My ADD has been preventing this so far, so its been a real fight. Need a draft to be done before I'm outta here on Tuesday night though. Ughhhh. It's definitely going to be a battle and a half.

My only other commitment is Constitutional Law. I've whined about this to loads of people, but our prompt basically goes on about figure skating for a page and then at the very bottom asks a really really broad/vague question. I can't get past the figure skating though. Because when I think about Evan Lysachek I think about how he is going to be on Dancing with the Stars. Then I think about Buzz Aldrin the astronaut... and then I think about what Matt told me, how Joy off of the View wants to see Buzz Aldrin do the Moonwalk. OMG. Con Law-->Moonwalk. Shit.

So I keep alluding to going abroad and whatever. Yeah, I am. Flying to COSTA RICA! for Spring Break on Tuesday night/Wednesday morning. Our flight is at like 5:30am so I'm not sure if I should place leaving under Tuesday or Wednesday because I'll still sort of be awake. No bigs. I'm super super excited. Weather reports have things in the 80s and 90s, so I get to bust out the shorts, the shades and FOR SURE the swimsuit. And then I'll come back to the US super tan and everyone I know will be jealous ;-)

OK, back to it, been wasting enough time.

xoxo Nora

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Macklemore - And We Danced


I sort of stole it off of a friends facebook... but for real, this is going to be the highlight of tomorrow nights Friday Floorfillers. We sort of do a dance party for an hour every Friday night. I play some good songs on my speakers as loud as my roommates/neighbors allow and we just rave for a bit, wind down from the week. Its super fun.

And if I'm too lazy to do my own Friday Floorfillers I use the ones from Scott Mills... http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b006wqcb

Friday tomorrow!!!

xoxox Nora

Monday, March 8, 2010

Hot Mash-Up (JLS, Jason Derulo, Beaver)

Bieber/JLS/Derulo Mash-up!

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I kind of love this, MINUS the Justin Beaver bit. Although most of the Beaver stuff is actually just the back beat of his track, which is fine because its ok. Keep his voice off the track though. It's like nails on a flipping chalkboard. The rest though, HOTTT!!!

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Ataris - In This Diary

One of my fave songs of all time. The lyrics are badass and super true and whatever, and it has a nice upbeat rhythm. I used to be more rock and roll than I am now ;-)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010